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Are you overwhelmed with data, such as wealth screening results?

Do you have capable prospects, but need more information to create cultivation strategies?

Looking for a partner who can help you move your prospects all the way through the pipeline?

When you need to turn wealth screening results into prioritized prospects and prospects into people you can ask for a gift, Aspire can help. We provide a full suite of research services. Below are the most popular services for organizations seeking to build and grow major gift programs:

A la carte support | Prospect Profiles | Wealth Screening

Schedule your initial consult today.

A La Carte Support

Sometimes all you need is an expert on-call to provide quick service. Unlike big consulting firms that have a lot of overhead and require large, complicated contracts, Aspire is on a mission to serve any organization that needs research to raise more money. Research isn’t cheap, but we strive to keep costs reasonable by staying creative and nimble in addressing your needs.

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Start with an initial free consult to discuss your needs.
  • Receive and acknowledge a Statement of Work document that clarifies the work and data protections. If you need a formal agreement, we can do that, too.
  • After your first research request is delivered, we meet with you free of charge to review.
  • You get invoiced either on delivery or at the end of each calendar month.
  • Brief annual review meetings to ensure we are meeting your needs.

Schedule your initial consult today.

Prospect Profiles

We offer flat fee, a la carte profiling with research customized for your organization’s fundraising goals. Aspire has deep expertise with high net worth prospects, but we can also nimbly provide the kind of quick and to-the-point research that gets you making calls and visits – and reaching goal!

Whether you need profiles to supplement and match in-house research or want our standard templates tweaked for you, we can help you with U.S. or international prospects. We delight in crafting profiles that make the complex simple and that answer your specific questions.

  • Snap Bios for meeting and event preparation.
  • Tactical Briefings to qualify for wealth and philanthropy.
  • Strategic Assessments to uncover all relevant information to craft your most valuable major gift proposals.
  • Relationship Mapping to help you find new connections.

Ask us how profiles can help your organization.

Wealth Screening

Wealth screenings are one of the most popular services we offer. Especially in a small office, you don’t need a lot of data dumped on you. You need the right amount of information delivered when you need it together with advice on how to use it to take fundraising action. We can help you with that.

Wealth screenings electronically matches wealth and philanthropic information sourced from the public domain to each individual donor prospect. Screening results are not perfect – private wealth is missed and matching errors occur. The goal is not perfection. The goal is to leap forward faster and cheaper, saving the more accurate and expensive manual research for the most promising prospects.

You can expect us to:

  • Help you securely prepare and submit the data file for screening.
  • Review and analyze the results.
  • Deliver the Excel results file and present our findings via Zoom to you and your team.
  • Follow-up support as you begin your outreach to prospects, including verification of your top-rated prospects.

Schedule your free assessment consult today.