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Aspire Strategic Assessment

This is comprehensive research at its best. Tailored insights help you craft your major gift cultivation plan or proposal.

Aspire Tactical Briefing

Once you have an interested prospect, this profile provides philanthropic and wealth detail to help you develop a cultivation strategy.

Aspire Snap Bio

This quick research does a broad sweep to provide you with the basics to qualify a prospect and make a great first impression on your visit.

Aspire Screening Verification

Quick and simple, use these to verify the top-rated segment of your screening or to prioritize prospects where contact has not yet been made.

Aspire Relationship Mapping Reports

We start with your own insiders: board members, donors, advocates, volunteers, and friends. From there we use manual research to help guide you and your insider to make the best introductions.

Analysis of TouchPoints Donors Without Children Screening Service

This brochure describes how Aspire assessed the scope and accuracy of TouchPoints Donors Without Children screening service. Spoiler: It works!