Hiring for Nonprofits: How to Create a Well-Rounded Team
Picture this: It’s the beginning of a new calendar year, and your nonprofit has new, ambitious goals in its strategic… Read More »Hiring for Nonprofits: How to Create a Well-Rounded Team
Picture this: It’s the beginning of a new calendar year, and your nonprofit has new, ambitious goals in its strategic… Read More »Hiring for Nonprofits: How to Create a Well-Rounded Team
Nonprofit events have the potential to make a significant impact on your organization’s mission. Whether you’re hosting an event to… Read More »4 Ways to Keep Attendees Engaged at Your Nonprofit Event
It’s no secret that nonprofit fundraising success relies heavily on strategic data tracking. By collecting and analyzing information on your… Read More »From Spreadsheets to Solutions: Tracking Nonprofit Finances
When I first heard of a family office, I thought it was a fancy way of saying a family business. Boy, was I wrong! Family offices are a way for families to manage their wealth – as if that wealth was a business. This can include managing family investments and companies, estate planning, education planning, vacations, and philanthropy.
Your nonprofit has access to a wide variety of digital marketing tools that can help you move your mission forward. Learn some tips for making the most of them.
Want to grab your supporters’ attention and engage them on social media? Learn how to develop an effective social media marketing approach for your nonprofit. In this guide, we’ll present tips for how your nonprofit can develop a comprehensive social media strategy. Along the way, keep your organization’s unique mission and audience in mind so you can successfully adapt this approach to your own nonprofit.
Corporate sponsorships – they are everywhere you look! The concept seems simple: in exchange for advertising and branded materials at the event/location, the company financially sponsors the occasion. It has been the bread and butter of the corporate world for decades. But if that is all you are asking for, you are only touching one piece of the big puzzle of corporate philanthropy. There is so much more to corporate fundraising than just sponsorships.
When you are looking to find qualified major gift prospects in your database, want to segment your donor database for targeted asks, or want to realign your fundraisers’ portfolios for optimum performance it can seem daunting — especially if your database has thousands of records. It isn’t a magic bullet, but a wealth screening can take you pretty far, even in this age of A.I.
Volunteers are critical to the success of your nonprofit’s events, campaigns, and other initiatives. However, effectively engaging and retaining volunteers is an ongoing… Read More »6 Creative Volunteer Engagement Ideas for Nonprofits
Engaging members on social media is crucial for deepening their involvement. Learn how to engage and retain members with these socially savvy strategies.