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Accepting crypto gifts? You need gift acceptance policies.

If your organization has made moves to tap into non-cash giving opportunities like donor-advised funds, gifts of stock, and various types of planned gifts, good for you! Studies have found that nonprofits that invest in their non-cash giving programs grow six times faster than those that stick to cash gifts alone.

Cryptocurrency represents one of the newest and most exciting (but complex) non-cash giving frontiers for nonprofits. Thankfully, accepting crypto gifts isn’t hard today. You can use a third-party processor to facilitate and liquidate the gifts or set up your organization’s own digital crypto wallet to manage and liquidate the assets yourself.

Read More »Accepting crypto gifts? You need gift acceptance policies.
Check out these four ways to incorporate data into your donor communications strategy for better supporter engagement.

4 Ways to Use Data in Your Donor Communications Strategy

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you understand the importance of donor recognition. Donors are at the core of your fundraising efforts, contributing the funds necessary to fuel your mission.

However, it can be difficult to keep track of so many individuals, let alone figure out how to communicate with them on a personal level. This is where data comes into play. 

Read More »4 Ways to Use Data in Your Donor Communications Strategy

Making Passive Fundraising Work for Your Nonprofit: 4 Tips

As a nonprofit professional, you’re always looking for innovative ways to fundraise. While your organization likely runs several major fundraising events and campaigns throughout the year, it’s also important to find ongoing revenue streams that engage supporters and bring in funding between campaigns. 

Fortunately, there is a way to earn additional revenue while keeping up with the rest of your nonprofit’s activities: passive fundraising. According to the fundraising experts at ShopRaise, passive fundraisers allow supporters to generate revenue for the causes they care about by taking actions they were likely going to anyway, such as shopping online or eating at their favorite restaurant. Plus, most of these fundraisers are easy for your nonprofit to set up and run over time.

Read More »Making Passive Fundraising Work for Your Nonprofit: 4 Tips

7 Navigation Mistakes to Avoid on Your Nonprofit Website

Your website’s navigation is a crucial element for creating a positive user experience. Effective navigation makes it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for and gain the most value from your website. 

But it can be easy to fall into navigation traps and missteps. Your organization could get caught up in trendy menu innovations and forget to prioritize the user experience. 

Read More »7 Navigation Mistakes to Avoid on Your Nonprofit Website

Understanding Financial Audits: A Quick Guide for Nonprofits

The word “audit” tends to bring about anxiety and concern when the average person hears it. We picture horrible visions of the IRS combing through our personal information and telling us we did something wrong or owe money. While this may be the case for many individuals, there’s no need for nonprofits to have this same sense of stress and concern. 

Nonprofits don’t pay taxes, so there’s no reason for the IRS to come around, telling you that your organization owes money. However, audits can be incredibly useful for nonprofits to ensure donations are processed properly, tax forms are filed, and general accounting best practices are followed at your nonprofit. 

Read More »Understanding Financial Audits: A Quick Guide for Nonprofits
A man and a woman look at computer

Numbers to Know: Interpreting Website Engagement Data

When a supporter googles your nonprofit and clicks on your website, what do they do from there?

The hope is that your supporters actively explore your site’s content, use your online giving page to donate, and sign up for your newsletter or fundraising events. 

However, some nonprofits make the mistake of taking a “set it and forget it” approach when it comes to their websites. Instead of consistently considering and reconsidering their supporters’ experiences using the site, they put a lot of work into the look and functionality of the site upfront, hoping it’ll do the trick of catching people’s attention and getting them to act without ongoing updates. 

Read More »Numbers to Know: Interpreting Website Engagement Data